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Refer to und RoxyyErotikusmasszázs wird Sie lieben!
Refer word: "Erotikus Masszázs"
Pécs, Belváros, Búza -tér. KarteKarte
50+ Jahre
160 cm
62 kg, 100 Brust, 74 Taille, 94 Hüfte
Sportlich Körperbau, rasiert Muschi
Lang, Rot Haare, Braun Augen
Natural breast
Heterosexuell Mädchen
, Massage (happy hand finish)
FYI: No penetration with me
Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag:  08-20
Samstag:  08-20
Sonntag:  08-20
Ich beantworte keine SMS-e, Do not answer hidden number
Nur bei mir , parken ist leicht
nichtraucher Wohnung, Ich rauche nicht
Air conditioned flat
1 days ago war hier.
76% Komplette Daten.
Log in daily.
1 days ago war hier.
2024-05-27:  Az esti órákan csak akkor tudsz meglátogatni,ha előre bejelentkezel .
2024-01-28:  Nálam be tudsz jelentkezni előző nap is,ha biztos vagy abban,hogy szeretnél találkozni velem.
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Pécs, RoxyyErotikusmasszázs 06306874262
Hello! I look forward to my massage.
I do not accept more than 4 guests per day, because I want to provide maximum enjoyment and attention.
If you're only calling in the evening, I'm not sure if I'll have an appointment that day.
If I have guests, I don't pick up the phone, if they leave, I ring you back.
Thank you for your understanding.
I am a pretty, NICE, intelligent, busty, muscular, lady.
If you have musculoskeletal pain, I can help.
The massage is sexless!

My erotic massage: (Eszo, Lingam massage) I perform professionally, using the Tantra massage. You can choose from 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes, 120 minutes.
(Foot erotica and breast erotica, slide massage, prostate massage! On request, I also massage the face and hands.)

This will provide you with a special experience that you should definitely try and you will regret not having done it until now.

Relaxing, Reiki massage, / The healing energy of Reiki, with which I charge your chakras, cleanses and energizes the body. The use of radioesthesia in the massage./ Of course, if you ask for them./

The Lingam massage is a technique of massaging the male penis in Tantra, which is said to bring the man to such pleasures as he never dreamed of. Lingam is a word of Sanskrit origin and denotes the male member. The essence of the Lingam massage is the testicles, the scrotum, the special massage of the penis, in which a man relaxes and finds pleasure.

During the massage, the man lies on his back, spreads his legs and slightly folds them in. It is worth gently caressing the legs, abdominal area, thighs, chest and nipples so that the whole body can relax and prepare. Oil is essential for the massage, with which we apply the areas to be massaged, and the miracle massage can already begin. According to the Lingam massage technique, the scrotum and the testicles must first be massaged very carefully, and then you can gradually move on to the pubic bone above the penis and the perineum.

When massaging the penis, the speed and pressure of the massage must be constantly changed. When pampering the Lingam (penis), the partner holds the penis at the base with the right hand, gently squeezes it, pulls it up, then slides his hand down it and repeats the same with the left hand. The moment has to be done over and over again. After that, the reverse technique must be used, namely, starting from the tip of the penis, the partner slides his hand down to the base, then changes hands, and the whole thing can begin again. After this has been repeated quite a few times, you can start massaging the glans - with a movement similar to squeezing an orange. Don't be surprised if, during a massage, the penis sometimes relaxes, then hardens again, then relaxes again and hardens again... these represent the two endpoints of pleasure in Tantra and provide quite a lot of pleasure for the man.

That is why, as soon as the man gets close to ejaculation, bend his penis back so that it relaxes a little, and then continue the massage. Repeat this a few times as you approach ejaculation. No matter how impossible it sounds, it must not be forgotten that in Tantra the goal is not to achieve orgasm, but rather a way of obtaining pleasure. With the help of the Lingam massage, men can easily learn and get to know their own body and erogenous zones.

Reiki treatment: harmonizing the chakras and balancing your energetic system greatly contributes to healing, general well-being, and a quality life. Just as we take care of our physical body every day, we should do the same with our energy system. After the treatments, individual symptoms may improve, and the healing process will be supported. Reiki does not replace medical care, but it can greatly support the body's balance and healing. It also plays an important role in prevention, and in many cases, problems improve significantly after 1-2 sessions. We can resolve not only physical symptoms, but also mental problems during a Reiki treatment. We can gently resolve subconscious patterns and blocks created in childhood.
Effects: A more balanced lifestyle, calmness.
The start of the body's self-healing processes.
Reduction or cessation of pain.
It supports and amplifies the effect of all other therapies.
It relaxes and fills you with energy.
It works on all levels, both physical and mental.
It dissolves energy blocks in the body.
Subconscious negative programs and patterns dissolve.
You get extra energy for everyday life.
Individually, we meet a lot of good experiences.

Chakras are the energy centers of the body.
If any of the chakras is blocked, the life energy does not reach the organs in the same way, which is why disease can develop in the given organ or organ system.
Body and soul are inseparably linked.

The 7 chakras are also inseparable from each other.
The block of individual chakras inhibits the functioning of other chakras as well, and can cause not only physical and mental symptoms.
I hope I made you happy and see you :)

continue reading

Was ich mag 

Prostatamassage (if you ask)
In Strümpfen empfangen (if you ask)
Fusserotik (if you ask)
Poporeizen bei Männern mit Hand oder Sex-Spielzeug (if you ask)
Anti-Stress Massage
Klassisch Massage
Sport Massage
Thai Massage (if you ask)
Erotisch Massage
ESZO massage
Lingam massage
Tantra massage
Fourhand massage
Andere Massage: Lingam,reiki,csúszka,prosztata,ultrahangos fájdalom csillapítás,gépi masszázs.
Mehr Information über mich: 10 éves gyakorlattal rendelkezem
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Wen ich suche

nur über 18 Jahre nur unter 99 Jahre
Sie sollen gepflegt und nett sein.
Nur bei mir
halb, eins, mehrere Stunden biss

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Tom Ford

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Photoshoot: 2024-05-22

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