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Sex partner shemaleTrans sex partners include the shemale category. They have no female identity and are not treated with hormones. However, apart from sex reassignment surgery, they have undergone all kinds of plastic surgery to make their bodies truly feminine, often too feminine. They can often be completely confused with their girl sexpartner counterparts.Travi sex partnerIf you click on travi (trans), you can search for a travi sex partner in different travi categories. Not everyone is aware of the terms, and they are often confused, so for each travi or trans subcategory, we will also indicate which term is specific to that subcategory. Within the main trans sex partner group, it is important to distinguish further subcategories, because we want to make the search for sex partners easier and more transparent within this category of trans sex partners.The data pages of the travi sex partner advertisers are completely identical to the advertiser data pages of the other main categories. All information is searchable and can be found in the same place on the sex partner profile. Nowadays more and more people are looking for a trans sex partner, more and more people are curious about what sex with a travi partner can be like. |